11 ways to eat Cieza peaches

The Cieza peach, the best in the world, offers us multiple ways to enjoy its flavor. We give you some suggestions.

1- In syrup. The traditional, out of season of course. Because these days fresh peaches are the best. Of course, the rest of the year, sinking your teeth into our homemade syrup is a pleasure that evokes summer afternoons.

Peach in syrup is a simple and nutritious, very tasty dessert, which is made by peeling and cutting the peaches in half, and then placing them in a jar with water and sugar that must be properly vacuum packed.


2- Peach liqueur. Another simple and very popular recipe is the classic peach liqueur, a unique digestif that, in the end, is nothing more than the result of macerating the peaches in some liquor, which can be rum or gin, although we always recommend choosing a peach liqueur. neutral flavor, since the focus should be on the fruits. Our preferred option is usually brandy or vodka, and the step by step is very simple: you only have to have a few weeks ahead of time for the flavors to integrate perfectly.

3- Cold soup. Far from the traditional conception that fruit should be understood as a dessert, trends are emerging where fruit is understood as an extraordinary starter and very easy to combine.

For example, a cold soup as an appetizer, where the peach takes center stage, combining it with other fruits such as refreshing watermelon or even some strawberries. The combinations are almost endless: with lemon juice, cinnamon, nutmeg, brandy... they are ingredients whose combination is extraordinary, and only limited by the imagination. By adding a little yogurt or whipped cream, we have a luxurious dish.

4- Jam. First and almost only consideration: please, to have a good jam, you have to start with the best peaches...no stale peaches!!

Taking advantage of this harvest season, we will have jam for the entire year.

5- Peach pie. A puff pastry, bathed with syrup and sliced peach...from our favorite recipes. So much so that we show it to you on video.

6- Sauce. To accompany meats, there is nothing better than a peach sauce, whose sweet flavor contrasts with the power of red meats. Onions, garlic, salt and pepper and a glass of white wine: we will not need more to make a sauce that we recommend serving in a separate bowl, so that each diner can serve it to their liking with baked meat, for example.

solomillo con reducción de melocotón

7- Salad. The possibilities are practically endless, but we settled on a proposal from Karlos Arguiñano: spinach salad with Cieza peach cubes, fresh garlic and honey vinaigrette. If, with Karlos' permission, you want to add some nuts, the end result will not only be a delicious salad, but a very complete dish on a nutritional level, which will provide us with a good part of the vitamins, iron, calcium, unsaturated fats and folic acid that we need. we need during the day.

Ensalada de espinacas y melocotón de cieza

8- Grilled. Grilled fruit is becoming more and more fashionable and peaches are perhaps the most appreciated. Once grilled, they can be accompanied to taste with some fresh raspberries, a little blue cheese and a good olive oil. They are a fantastic starter.

9.-Gratins: Just like grilled, au gratin Cieza peaches are the great unknowns in the kitchen. A little syrup, a meringue to fill peach halves, and a touch of slivered almonds, which, once gratin, is a real delight.

Melocotón de Cieza gratnado

10-Gazpacho. macerating the rest of the ingredients to taste for half an hour, which can be the usual time. tomatoes, cucumber, etc...of course slices of hard bread moistened in water, oil and vinegar, and once crushed with the peaches and achieved the desired thickness... a delight.

11- Naturally, but with originality. Without a doubt, the best way to enjoy the flavor of the authentic Cieza peach is as it is given to us by the tree, but we can turn it into a much more fun dessert if we make some skewers and add a touch of mint or mint, or leave it alone. macerate in orange juice, or with caramel or chocolate, or…



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