We already knew the nutritional properties of peach, considered a rich source of vitamin A. However, this fruit is also an important element in the world of natural beauty, since it is an antioxidant capable of combating premature aging, providing a large amount of vitamins and minerals to the skin and is moisturizing and toning.
Here we leave you a few peach-based preparations that will do very well for your facial skin.
Peach mask
Very quick and easy, since you only have to peel the peaches, and after removing the stone, mash it with a fork. Apply it directly to the face and neck. Ideal for dry skin (although any skin type will appreciate it), especially when you reach the age of 30, which is when the effects of age begin to be felt on the skin of the neck as the jaw muscles begin to lose tension, favoring the development of the dreaded double chin.
If you have a little more time, strain some peach pulp through clean cheesecloth and apply the juice to your face with a cotton ball. Leave it on until it dries. The juice will give your face extraordinary freshness and elasticity.
A variant of Revitalizing Peach Mask
This mask provides vitality to the dermis due to its regenerating and anti-wrinkle properties. Therefore, it is highly recommended for dry or dry skin.
1/2 ripe peach
3 tablespoons of natural yogurt
1 teaspoon olive oil
3 drops of honey.
Application mode
Blend the ingredients until you obtain a uniform dough. Then, apply and keep on the skin for twenty minutes. Remove with warm water (not too cold or hot).
Hardening of the skin
If you want to have firm skin, take a peeled peach and an egg white and mix everything in a blender. Apply this to your face and leave it on for half an hour. Then wash your face with cold water. The peach will act like a Botox.
Exfoliate your skin
This preparation cleanses the skin of dead cells and dirt caused by pollution.
You can prepare a natural scrub, which requires 2 peaches, 1 tablespoon of honey, 2 tablespoons of milk powder and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Crush the honey, milk and peaches and apply the mixture on your face and leave it on for 15 minutes.
Then rinse your face with warm water in which you had already put lemon juice. Finally, rinse with cold water. This scrub is ideal for cleaning the face.
A variant: Exfoliating mask for mature skin
5 almonds
1/2 ripe peach
7 drops of almond oil
Application mode
Crush the natural almonds and the peach. Then, add the drops of almond oil.
Stir with a spatula until you obtain a compact mass and apply with light circular massages to the face. Leave it on for 15 minutes and remove the remains with plenty of fresh water.
As you can see, peach is an extraordinary natural revitalizer for your face.